Test Drive the Region

Pilot Mexico’s operational capabilities within your organization before establishing a permanent presence in a new region.

Validate talent and cost assumptions, develop awareness with customers, adjust expansion plan, and scale in size and scope, when ready.

Deliver nearshore services to North America or access new customers in Latin America.

Everscale Pilot Program for B2B Tech Companies

B2B Tech Companies have used offshore and nearshore to compete successfully in the North America market. Post-Pandemic, the nearshore trend has increased, with SME companies expanding into new regions to keep up with global companies that have increased their nearshore presence. Not all companies have the budget as big corporations or secured a large local contract to subsidize the expansion. Besides diverting resources from the organization to expand into a new country, it will add potential risks and costs of the local learning curve. Because of this, some companies keep running analysis and possible outcomes before making this kind of commitment.
  • Should we have more volume to justify it? How much? 
  • What opportunities could open with our customers?
  • Is the level of Talent what we are looking for?
  • What would be our actual costs? In the first year?
  • What mistakes others have made that we are not aware of?

But now, more and more IT Companies are using the Subsidiary-as-a-Service option to run a pilot first in the region, so they can verify their assumptions first. This approach enables adding Mexico’s operational capabilities to the organization that are on stand-by and can scale when needed, following revenue, and not before.

The cost of developing and launching a software-based product has fallen by a factor of 100 or more in the past twenty-five years. Why think that opening new operations in a foreign country hasn’t evolved in the past 25 years?

Why Everscale for the Enterprise Software Ecosystem

Incorporate specialized local industry expertise and built-in capabilities from award-winning executives who have previously led system integrator companies in the region for a higher success rate on your expansion strategy.

Test the region and shorten the local learning curve by accessing key feedback on expansion plan.

  • Building a local delivery practice and access a vetted talent pool. Know who to hire, where, how much, and how to build it. Provide Nearshore services or support Latin America.
  • Getting the right Sales Team, Quotas. Local cost/pricing, best locations, and accelerators to build a network faster.
  • Plus, all the benefits of the Subsidiary-as-a-Service Framework 

How Everscale Pilot Operation works

Similar to the successful Shelter Model in the Manufacturing Industry, foreign companies from the IT Industry have the Subsidiary-as-a-Service (SUBaaS) option. It resembles the as-a-Service model, as companies benefit from shared infrastructure.

It enables to add Mexico’s operational capabilities in the size and configuration that matches their business strategy. Avoids unnecessary expenses and risks, while lowering dramatically costs, with total ownership from day one.

Learn more and get a no-risk, tailored pilot for your company

Schedule a meeting, solve questions on Mexico, and learn more about scenarios deployed for implementing nearshore services or market entry.

Test drive the region.